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Tender Stage Support & Early Concept Demolition

Tender Stage Support & Early Concept Demolition

Josh Martin and Dave Stevens discuss temporary works design and early concept demolition strategies for the construction industry.

This webinar highlights how valuable early temporary works design can be for contractors planning a construction tender. Specialist input at the tender stage enables efficient strategies, informed cost estimates and reduced risks.

With a focus on “no temporary works is the best temporary works”, the webinar explains how early engagement with demolition and temporary works can de-risk your project and provide construction efficiencies.

The webinar covers

  • The benefits of identifying demolition and temporary works solutions early in a project
  • Strategies for designing out risk and developing efficient temporary works schemes
  • Methods for eliminating temporary works through smart sequencing and using permanent structures
  • Producing concept sketches and outline specifications to communicate strategies
  • Providing budget costs for incorporation into tender submissions

The webinar also covers producing concept sketches, temporary works registers and outline specifications to communicate strategies to stakeholders like subcontractors and clients.