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Last month two members of Andun Engineering Consultants spoke at the Institution of Structural Engineers Midland Counties.

This forms part of our ongoing commitment to help raise awareness of the importance of temporary works and the engineering considerations that need to be considered within the industry.

The talk was given by Director Joshua Martin and East Midlands Office Manager James Dunlop to a hybrid audience of online and in-person attendees on the 26th of March in Birmingham.

James Dunlop giving a talk on temporary works for the IstructeThe topic of the talk was Temporary Works: Maintaining Structural Stability 

The talk started with an introduction to temporary works, which laid the groundwork for a detailed discussion on the structural dynamics involved. 

Joshua and James shared technical insights into various projects that required complex analysis to ensure stability could be ensured during demolition and building redevelopment.

Core Principles of Temporary Works: An exploration of the essential concepts and practices that ensure safety and stability.

Engaging Case Studies: Detailed analyses of complex projects that demonstrated the application of high-level structural strategies to overcome real-world challenges.

Spence Lane – Post Tensioned Bridge Demolition 

A review of the demolition engineering considerations when demolishing a post-tensioned bridge in Leeds. Particularly given the potential hazards of demolishing post-tensioned structures  that need to be addressed during the design of the demolition methodology. 

Bristol Beacon – Facade Retention and extensive cut and carve bracing/propping

The Bristol Beacon project was a large-scale refurbishment initiative that was completed over a five-year period and involved extensive temporary works design and demolition engineering.

Previously known as “Colston Hall,” this structure has undergone an extensive transformation involving a complete stripping of the building’s internals and adaptation of the structure, culminating in its refurbishment into a state-of-the-art theatre.

Structural Requirements and Solutions: A focus on the rigorous planning and execution needed in temporary works and demolition scenarios.